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Sunday, June 1

Cute souvenir

We met up with some friends for dinner tonight, and one of them brought a souvenir from Hong Kong to pass to another friend.

It is in the shape of a pig, but it is so cute! Especially when you throw it on a hard surface, it gets flattened and will slowly return back to its original form. I couldn't get enough of it and kept throwing it around to experiment and watch it bounce back to shape.

Haven't seen anything like it in KL yet, but am sure this item will find its way into KL soon. Will definitely get myself one of these. It's a good way to reduce stress..

Hope you can see the photos and how cute the item is, you may need to use your imagination a bit as some of the photos are not as clear. It wasn't easy to capture the flattened shots as the flattened item bounces back almost immediately.

If you find the item in KL, let me know yeah?

1 comment:

Guchin said...

haha I think u can find them in Bangkok's Chatuchak market.... all sorts and best is the male organ...throw down....and it gets up.. hahaha