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Saturday, June 29

Seriously... you need help

There really isn't a day that goes by without you getting angry.
Tired of your temper, flare up all you like.

It is not what others do to you that irk you, it is your inability to react to handle the situation and respond in a positive way. Think about it.

Wednesday, June 26

Marcus - New vocab

I have decided to try and blog down new achievements of my kids, so that I can remember and read all about it in future.

New achievements from Marcus of late:
1. He correctly identified the pictures and said the words "SUNGLASSES, CAMEL and JUMPING ROPE", which I totally did not expect. How did he get so smart? Who taught him that?
2. He mentioned to me the other day while trying to open the car door, "It's SLIPPERY!" SLIPPERY, for a 2.5 year old?
3. I came home from work one day, and he tucked at my work dress and said, " Mum, NICE DRESS" I was so surprised, and also so happy! At least one male in the house knows how to appreciate me and gives me compliment...

So that's it, the little achievements of Marcus of late, I still find it amazing about his progress.
Will find Evonne's achievements too and post about it, don't worry..

Ta ta!

Tuesday, June 25

Hazy Tuesday

The haze is getting worse, I just got back to work today, as I was on one day leave yesterday, and behold, the consistent routine resumes itself, early morning phone call to find fault and to scold and blame.
So my daughter's homework is my sole responsibility? When it becomes convenient it is ALWAYS my fault? Why does one have to call first thing in the morning to just find fault and scold? Is there no other reason to call me? What am I? A blame fault person so that you can feel better and relinquish your own guilt and responsibility? My mornings are almost always spoilt this way, and I cringe everytime I see a phone call from you because I know you are trying to find fault and you will inevitably find a way to scold me.

Then my mum fb message me and tells me the poster at home fell down, I can just imagine my husband's reply to this, " I told you it will not stick because the wall is too slippery, I TOLD YOU ALREADY BUT YOU STILL WANT TO STICK"...

Tired, tired tired of listening to people just complaining to me only. Maybe he is right, maybe I am the problem that's why everyone complains to me, scolds me and blame me. I allow it to happen, I allow them to do this to me. I suffer and endure the complaints in hope that there is peace and harmony but the situation just gets worse, and people start to take it for granted that I am the easy target to be blamed and scolded for everything, I am the scapegoat and they can just get rid of their guilt because they have put the blame on ME!

Irritated, tired, drained, feeling lousy, annoyed, upset...

Monday, June 17

Simply irritated, on a Monday morning...!

so angry for being scolded for no reason at all... Hate people who call to spoil one's mood EVERY SINGLE TIME!

In a rude, inconsiderate way too, with a preconceived notion and intention to snap and scold one who has done nothing wrong at all!
YOU, owe me an apology!

Thursday, June 13

Hehe... the little surprise

Switch was done last night, no indication of it being found out yet.
Let's see when it will be discovered... tee hee...

Monday, June 10

My new S4!

Just got my S4 last Thursday, and am simply loving my new phone!