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Thursday, December 1




Friday, October 28

Don't mess with me, cabbie!

Yesterday, I sent my car for routine servicing, and went off to do stock take. When my car was ready, I tried to hail a cab from Jusco Cheras Selatan to my service centre.

There were a bunch of taxis lining up outside the main road of this mall, and I went to the first in line and told them where I want to go. These taxi drivers were all hanging around outside and chatting with each other. When I told them I wanted to go Balakong, he asked for RM6, i.e. did not want to use the metre. "What? RM6, it is so near!", no choice because had to cover for their round trip back to this point to pick up other customers, explains the cabbie. Why should I pay for round trip transport to go to a destination less than 5 minutes away, and I am paying cab fare what! So I countered offer RM4, but he would not accept it.

I decided not to be blackmailed nor threatened, so I walked off and continue walking, half thinking that if really in the event no cab will take me I will probably have to walk all the way, under the hot sun... I walked along the highway, and tries to hail for another cab, thank God another cabbie came along when I stretch out my hand, and this honest cabbie was willing to use the metre. In the end, how much did I pay for the cab fare? RM3.30.

Really, it is no wonder I don't like to take cabs these days, they are operating like transport gangsters, demanding for fixed cab fare, and forcing customers to give in to their overrated cab fare!

Monday, August 15

Feeling faintish...

I am still trying to recover from my thumping headache last night...

It started right after our 1 hour outdoor photography session with the kids... think must be the sun, heat stroke perhaps.... but really felt it when I went to bed last night, when I woke up in the middle of the night with a thumping headache, that continued till this morning.

Went to work this morning, popped 02 panadols, but headache is not getting any better. The thumping has stopped, but I am feeling a bit floaty, and faintish. If I really stay very still, I can almost feel as if my surroundings are moving a little. Don't know why this is so, and why this is happening, usually Panadol will do its job, but not today.

A colleague of mine commented "Don't tell me you are pregnant?" I was on alert immediately and said, "In both my 02 previous pregnancies I only get morning sickness that make me throw up, and not feel faintish...", and NO, I am not pregnant in case you are wondering.

Maybe I should go lie down, or take a 15 minutes nap and see if it helps.

Tuesday, August 9

Bidding farewell to a huggable teddy bear..

Today at around noon, the entire first floor of MAS Complex A, Admin building 1 gathered around the waiting area outside MD's office, to wait for and to bid farewell of Tengku Azmil. There was no grand send off, nor was there goodbye dinners that MAS is famous for... he had a quiet send off, with only us few walking him down the stairs.

It was a very sad moment for all of us, we had enjoyed our times working with him, and truth be told, he is a good boss. We are very sad that he is departing, although we know he is probably relieved at having this burden finally lifted off him.

News of the share swap literally demoralised the entire company, we are all quite demotivated and discouraged, like a group of army that has lost their leader, and not knowing what to do. We do not know what is going to happen, what the new structure is going to be, what happens to TMO... there are lots of uncertainty, alot of things that are still in the dark, alot of unknown and alot of blur areas still to be figured out.

People outside of MAS, and outside of TMO may not feel the same kind of sadness that we felt, but we did. We were once his army, and we battled alongside him, and it is just sad that his departure was so sudden. He deserves a standing ovation for having to manage a challenging company in tough times. A lot of people are very good at saying what could have, should have and what they would have done had they been in his shoes. They can boast about what they would do, but mind you, you are not in the tough situation that he was in, so you don't know what kind of obstacles he has to go through. I would like to see you run a company of this size, and with this kind of environment and make it better.

Don't just talk big, everyone can do that.

Wednesday, June 29

McD don't give change now?

This morning I was at the Connaught McD drive thru, and my breakfast set meal came up to RM8.95, I gave the cashier RM10.00, and she only returned RM1.00 to me without any explanation.

So McD does not give RM0.05 change anymore is it? The cashier did not even bother explaining that they are out of RM0.05 or why is she not returning my RM0.05 change. Don't get me wrong, I am not particular about the RM0.05, it is a matter of principle that I am after here.

Why ah?

Thursday, May 19

In a happy mood!

Somehow I am just in a really happy mood today.

This morning traffic was exceptionally good, 50 cents toll have been abolished...
My morning meeting went well, got to have lunch with hubby and meet mum during lunch...
Got refund from income tax (woohoo....!)

Only thing is I hope Evonne is not having fever, she had slight fever last night and hopefully it had gone away by now. I think she is teething again... but she wasn't really making a big fuss last night so it was ok.

My son is now 3 months old... he is adorable, his eyes big and has an infectious smile... he is cute and handsome...! And he is very well behaved for a 3 month old, at least where sleeping at night is concern.. He typically only wakes up for milk around 4 or 5am now, just once so we do get a good few hours of sleep at one go...

This happy day will continue.... I just know it!

Monday, January 24

Almost 38 weeks!

Ok, time to let the cat out of the bag.......

For those of you who do not know, we are expecting our second baby... I am now 37+ weeks pregnant, so technically I can pop anytime now... sooo.........

We are as excited about welcoming this new bundle of joy to our family... with his arrival, I feel that our family is now complete, and I can breathe a sigh of relief as having completed my duty as a daughter in law, wife and mother.. haha... (hubby if you are reading this, it means I am ready to close production now... hehe)

Due date for the baby is actually during the 6th day of CNY, which is 08 Feb, but I have a feeling that this baby is eager to come out, so will probably be earlier than 08 Feb. This CNY, I have not purchased any new clothes, shoes nor anything new for myself.. Why not? Well, like I was telling my colleagues during lunch today, it would be futile buying CNY clothes now as I do not know if I get to wear them, and also depressing if I have to wear maternity clothes during CNY.. so might as well not buy and live with what I have, afterall it will be a short period before I pop anyway..

You will probably hear from me next after my delivery... so..... update you then!

Wednesday, January 5


新的一年, 新希望?

我不敢期望太高, 只希望快乐无忧和平安的过就好了。

有些事情闷在心里真不好受, 虽然已渐渐成为一种习惯, 可是还是盼望可以有倾诉的对象。
只想说, 能忍就忍吧。。。忍得多久就多久。。 当真的忍不到时,就随心所欲吧!你已尝试去包容和了解, 真的不能就别再勉强了。。。 何苦要折磨自己呢?这是不值得的。
