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Wednesday, September 30

Sad Day...

I am just in a lousy mood today, no mood for work and anything else. Things are definitely looking down right now, and I can see no light at end of tunnel..

Lord help me get through this please...

Monday, September 14

Cute "bajus" for lil' one...

One of my looong time friend gave me some baby outfits for my new born, and boy are they cute! She has so many cute outfits that I had trouble choosing them, in the end I only took those for new born... will go back for more next time... haha...

Cute pink rompers

Thank you Aunty GCCC!!

Tuesday, September 8




你可能觉得这问题很无聊,也可能觉得你两者都掌握得很好;所以这不会发生在你身上。你可有想过, 其实你每天的动作, 反应, 谈吐,以及种种已显示出你的选择了?你的另一半永远都不会是你生命中最重要的人物。每当有情形发生时,她的处境, 感受都不在你考虑的范围中,其他人的想法都比较重要。你会豪不考虑的为他人着想, 可不会为她花多一点点心思。。。

试想,她怎样不会感到心淡呢?她也觉得自己不属于这个家, 没有她的存在可能必较好。真的,有她存在的必要吗?不。。。他依然会生存的很好, 也不必为她的事而烦恼。所以,离开是适当的选择。。。?
