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Tuesday, September 28

夫妻相处之道 - 君子与小人


君子与小人第一回合, 小人输了。。。可是我后来才发觉原来两人都输了。。。两人原来这么的没共识,没默契。。。如果赌注是一断婚姻,两人不是都输了吗?

真难怪我姨丈在我阿姨病间脾气暴燥,我现在才了解。。。我们难道表现的比他好吗?在如此小件的事情上,我们都不能好好的解决,不能有共识的解决问题,只会各自发脾气, 各自蛮以为有方法去解决,完全忽略了对方存在的重要和需要。难道我们不需要对方吗?有问题我们各自解决吗?这一问,我倒也想到了,我们大多自己解决问题,因为无数次的吵架就因不能有共识和认同而发生,而演变了今天的这个局面。这发现恨很的敲在了我认为满意的婚姻上。。。现在已如此,将来若路更难走,我们走的过去吗?我真的很难过,很伤心。。。眼泪也不听话的一直掉, 一直掉。。。


Monday, September 20

My thoughts today...

Random thoughts for the day...

最近比较烦, 比较烦,比较烦。。。

没有过不去的事情, 只有过不去的心情。。。




Monday, September 6

Monday Blues

Hmmmm I wonder why the copy and paste function does not work on Blogger? I just typed a short blog on thought of copying it over, but now it is all gone, and I have to retype it all over again...

Oh well... I was saying that I don't feel like coming to work today.. too many things on my mind.. or perhaps it has to do with something happening at work? Oh I don't know.. maybe cos today is Monday?

Let's take things one step at a time... and try to kick the Monday Blues away...!