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Thursday, May 19

In a happy mood!

Somehow I am just in a really happy mood today.

This morning traffic was exceptionally good, 50 cents toll have been abolished...
My morning meeting went well, got to have lunch with hubby and meet mum during lunch...
Got refund from income tax (woohoo....!)

Only thing is I hope Evonne is not having fever, she had slight fever last night and hopefully it had gone away by now. I think she is teething again... but she wasn't really making a big fuss last night so it was ok.

My son is now 3 months old... he is adorable, his eyes big and has an infectious smile... he is cute and handsome...! And he is very well behaved for a 3 month old, at least where sleeping at night is concern.. He typically only wakes up for milk around 4 or 5am now, just once so we do get a good few hours of sleep at one go...

This happy day will continue.... I just know it!