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Wednesday, June 22

Chatroom lingos

When I was younger, I used to IRC... so I know the lingos used in chatrooms.. but nowadays it has become so complicated.. ok fine, so I maybe outta touch with the lingo because.... (if you are thinking what I am refusing to say here.. don't say it...)

Anyway, read the newspaper today and it is so interesting the amount of abbreviations they have nowadays.. I gotta share this.. and I thought only airlines have alot of abbreviations...

PITA - Pain in the a**
POTS - Parents/ Partner over the shoulder
SOS - Same old stuff
GAL - Get a Life
KIT - Keep In touch
IMHO - In my humble opinion
LSHMBB - Laughing so hard my belly's bouncing
LTNS - Long time no see
AAK - Alive and kicking
TCOB - Taking care of business
SETE - Smiling from ear to ear
WB - Welcome back
BBL - Be back later
BRB - Be right back
TOY - Thinking of you
H&K - Hugs and kisses
CSG - Chuckle, Snciker, Grin
GMTA - Great minds think alike (although I was thinking along the line of Give Me The Answer)
PMFJI - Pardon me for jumping in
DIKU - Do I know you
IAC - In any case
HHIS - Hangs head in shame
BEG - Big Evil Grin
DIS - Did I say...
TYT - Take your time
IGP - I gotta pee
IRL - In real life

Goodness.. how many did you correctly "decode"?

A friend recently took up a challenge of writing a story using all the abbreviations given by another, and the list has more than 50 abbreviations. He managed to come up with a story that made sense...! I thought it was brilliant!
If anyone wants to try, they can. Use the above and come up with a story?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hm, if you think that abbreviations are bad, I wonder if you've heard about l33t-sp34k, which seems to be quite the rage on online blogs for quite awhile now. Some of my online friends use this and geez, it's weird until you get used to it.

Ph34r teh l33t 4 it keels!!11!!One XD
