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Friday, December 24


I love the feeling of Christmas.. actually I think I love the feeling of pre-Christmas better than Christmas itself.

Weeks before Christmas, retail shops, malls and streets will be litted with colourful decorations. I have always wondered why does Christmas bring this funny and fuzzy feeling.. everywhere you go, everybody seem to be doing last minute shopping, gift wrapping counters are jam packed with people queuing up.. everywhere you go, people are humming christmas songs..

Let's see, what do I like about Christmas:
-it's celebrated by all
-the season to bury the hatchet and forgive
-the time for family bonding
-an occasion to dress up
-an occasion to buy christmas presents and see how normal items transform into pretty boxes with decorations
-an occasion to receive presents
-christmas feast (think turkey, cranberry sauce, logcakes.. )
-beautifully decorated christmas items everywhere (malls, streets, shops, individual residences)
-merry christmas jingles (which everyone seems to know)
-an occasion to party

For me, Christmas this year will be quiet. I have not lined up any activities for it. Come what may, I think I will just have a quiet Christmas this year, for a change. But, not before I make my colleagues sing Christmas carols today.. hehe.. this should be fun.

Merry Christmas everybody!

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