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Tuesday, January 26

This Pregnancy

This pregnancy....


Morning sickness for 8 weeks
Stabbing pain at groin area since 2nd trimester
Stabbing pain when I toss and turn in bed
Suffocation and cannot breathe when I lie down on my back
Backache that gets worse as pregnancy progresses
Painful when walking with every step
Now in my 3rd trimester, I cannot even walk a long time, a short walk to the supermarket during lunch already I can feel my back strain, and my walk back to office has to be very slow cos it's painful to work.
Cannot eat alot, gets full very fast, feels like I have indisgestion
Baby actively moving and kicking in tummy (which is not a bad thing, glad that he's active and kicking)

Who knows the pain that a pregnant woman has to go through to deliver the baby for 40 weeks? Some husband can be so inconsiderate and just ask their wives to take it in stride and conveniently forget that it is very painful and inconvenient (not to mention dangerous) for pregnant woman to do things/ house chores.

Enough is Enough.

Especially when you do not get the kind of empathy, sympathy and tender loving care that a preggie needs.

p/s: learnt something new during this pregnancy too - round ligament pain

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