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Friday, December 21

End of the world

According to the Mayan calendar, today is the end of their calendar, which some have interpreted as end of the world. To the Chinese, today is Winter Solstice, a day where we celebrate and enjoy tong yuen.

If today is the end of the world, I would spend an entire day with my kids, hugging, kissing and loving them. Spend time with mum, spend time with my closest family members and of course with hubby; telling all of them I love them and thank you for being a part of my life.

I also hope that all feelings of hatred, anger, upset, negative feelings towards one another can be forgotten. If today continues on, at least in our heart and mind this is a new beginning, forget about past negativities preventing us from moving forward. Let us just start anew... be the better person and forgive others. If others cannot do it never mind, at least you are doing it. I would like to be the better person.


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