Recently got a new iPad, the new iPad with Retina Display, I.e. ipad4.
So I put my old ipad2 online for sale, and today I'm gonna meet the potential new owner, let him check condition of my iPad, and if he is ok we will deal.
At this juncture, I'm really heavy hearted to it go... I like it a lot! It accompanied me to many places, and was my best buddy at work...
If the deal goes through today, I know will miss my ipad2.... Soo....

Sunday, December 30
My ipad2
Blogging from iPad
Yay, there is an app for Blogger, which means I can blog from my iPad in future! This is cool!
Friday, December 21
End of the world
According to the Mayan calendar, today is the end of their calendar, which some have interpreted as end of the world. To the Chinese, today is Winter Solstice, a day where we celebrate and enjoy tong yuen.
If today is the end of the world, I would spend an entire day with my kids, hugging, kissing and loving them. Spend time with mum, spend time with my closest family members and of course with hubby; telling all of them I love them and thank you for being a part of my life.
I also hope that all feelings of hatred, anger, upset, negative feelings towards one another can be forgotten. If today continues on, at least in our heart and mind this is a new beginning, forget about past negativities preventing us from moving forward. Let us just start anew... be the better person and forgive others. If others cannot do it never mind, at least you are doing it. I would like to be the better person.
Monday, October 22
Just feeling down...
After being stuck in jams for 3 hours before arriving at the office, I have second thoughts about going back to work.
I was working from home the week before as my baby sitters were away on holiday, and my boss was kind enough to allow me to work from home for the 4 days.
Matter of fact is, eventhough I was taking care of 2 kids, and the household chores, I was not as tired as waking up early to go work, jam to work, jam coming home, have dinner, play with kids and off to bed...
And my thinking of quitting the corporate got that bit stronger... but really dunno what to do, where to start... and it is depressing when we can never see eye to eye pertaining to important things, so things are always just left where they are... until they become important enough for us to do something about it.
I don't miss the jams, the traffic, I miss taking my son out to breakfast and picking my daughter up from school, and putting them to bed in the afternoon. I enjoy spending time with them...
I am very down the entire day today, so very unproductive that I feel guilty for being so unproductive but I just cannot pick myself up today.
Is it time to kiss the corporate world goodbye?
Wednesday, June 13
Burnt out at work, I guess...
I have been feeling really tired, lethargic and drained of energy lately.
I just feel very tired, and nothing that I ever do, at home or at work is good enough.
I have the same boss at home and at work, never satisfied with things.
I want to apply for leave, to put down all my roles, and just be myself. I want to recuperate and just put all issues behind and just be myself, go and pamper myself, eat whatever I like, do things I like, dress the way I want, and be single, free...etc
Too tired of always trying to be the role of a good mother, good wife, good daughter in law, good daughter, good manager, good employee, good colleague, good everything... sometimes being good is still not enough.
Rest, I need...
Friday, April 13