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Monday, December 28

Success & Happiness

I have always liked books by Andrew Matthews, in fact I think I have almost all his books, and have at least read them twice.

I like how it is easy to read and understand, and of course I believe what he says make perfect sense.. I went in search for his website today, and noticed that he has this Free 7 days to Greater Happiness email course and signed up for it. Not because I am unhappy, but because I want to be happier. For those who have ever been unhapppy, or are depressed right now, do sign up for it, or better still go buy his books and read them, I am sure you will feel and think differently after that.

Well, anyway, I have just received the Day 1 newsletter, and it is to "Look for GOOD things", and my mission for the next 24 hours is to look for GOOD things in every situation that I am in. No negative comments, only look for good and positive things in all the situation that I am in.

Sounds interesting, and I always like a good challenge.. so yes I am ON for the challenge! Will let you know how it goes tomorrow, and whether I feel any different by thinking GOOD...

Watch this space....!

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