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Tuesday, August 25

Veal Varding... ( what?)

If the title make no sense to you, and you are left wondering "what & who" is Veal Varding.. fear not.. Veal Varding is not someone/ something famous that one should automatically know.

Veal Varding is the name of someone/ something that I dream about 2 nights ago.. the name kept repeating itself, so much so that I remembered it after I woke up.

The first thing that I did after I woke up was to Google for it, but apparently there is no one by the name of Veal Varding.. so I just left it as that. But still, I felt that I should blog this down, in case this name does repeat itself in future, in whatever way...

Oh, another thing that I think should be blogged about is: My mum went to the night market last night, and she bought 60 oranges, 10 pears and 10 apples. 60 oranges!!! There are only 3 of us eating the fruits, and she bought 60 oranges? How on earth does she expect us to finish the oranges? Sigh... mum will never listen..

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