You will never believe where I am heading next... Taj Mahal!

You will never believe where I am heading next... Taj Mahal!
I was trying to cook roast chicken on Christmas eve, and in trying to baste the chicken, I thought I should just brush some honey on the chicken so that it will taste more tasty.
I just received my first Christmas present this year... so it feels extra special cause it came from my cousin sister, whom I regard as my own sister.
I don't know what to say, but I felt really touched inside.. so I want to say thank you, for giving me the presents.. It has given me the warm and fuzzy feeling inside, just when I needed it.
We went to this mamak in Balakong the other day, and my hubby ordered ABC.
Mood: Too lazy to go to work..
Apple Enzyme
Kiwi Enzyme
I really do not whether my apple enzyme last night will turn out, since it was not really according to the recipe.. hopefully it turns out.
So today we went to pasar malam to buy dragon fruits to make fruit enzyme but unfortunately it is not in season anymore so we had to change it to kiwi enzyme juice in the end.
The end product so far, ta-da....:
eh.. cannot upload the photos one? something wrong with the laptop... aarrrggghhhh...! the virus, spyware and adware please disappear from my laptop, files and folders!
Have you ever heard of fruit enzyme before?
I was introduced to it about a month ago by my cousin. I just bought some red apples, lemon and brown cane sugar to try it out today. Only thing is I didn't measure so I have no idea whether it will turn out the way it should be.
Guess I will have to wait 2 weeks to find out. If it turns out I will post the photo here, and let you know how it taste.
If first you don't succeed, try again.. hehe..