Custom Search

Wednesday, April 2

Look at those cars!

I was on my way to work this morning, and I was coming to a cross junction with traffic lights. Like a law abiding citizen, I stopped at my junction while waiting for the traffic lights to turn green, before the yellow box. I know I caused some traffic congestion at the back because I didn't move into the yellow box, but hey, I wasn't committing the crime, I was merely following the traffic laws!

Then along came a few cars, which overtook me from my right hand side and went straight into the yellow box! I was quite pissed actually, for one they have cut my queue, and they are now in my way. And it is definitely not fair for all of us who were waiting in line. Luckily I had the camera with me, and I snapped photos of them traffic offenders. I wonder whether these photos are enough to penalise them?

This was the traffic condition at the cross junction. Notice all the cars in the yellow box?

This car cut right in front of me, notice how he is very much in the yellow box? Can you read the number plate? Good....

There were more cars wanting to cut queue (notice the car to my right?) while other more civilised drivers were patiently waiting outside the yellow box (sort of outside lah..)

If you are the car owner featured here, you should be ashamed of yourself. Let's try to be civilised drivers out there shall we?

Mood: Bad.. lab session starting next week, and hearing nothing but bad news..

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