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Monday, October 25

It's a small world afterall..

I was introduced to blog by a new found friend.. I had so much fun reading his blog that I decided to give it a go to see what it feel like to post your own blog.. well here I am..

Few nights back, I went for a gathering organised by a friend who came back from overseas recently. The rule for invitation to dinner was simple : you have to be single and bring a friend of the opposite sex, who must also be single. The idea was for the singles to meet other single people. So my guy friend called me and it was my duty to call a male friend along.. searched through my address book : nope, this one is attached, nope, he is out of town, nope, he is not free, nope, not on talking terms with him, nope, this one is not available... to cut it short, I realised I didn't have one male friend to ask! In the end, I decided to ask my cousin along and hopefully she will be able to bring one male friend along.. well, she couldn't either (for the same reasons believe it or not...) Where are all the single guys?

Anyway, we went for dinner.. turned out that I already knew 4 out of 8 people that went that night.. we started to exchange name cards, got to know each other better.. and what do you know... my cousin's cousin (my distant cousin) was in the same college as my uni friend. And another of my uni friend actually knows my cousin's friend in Melaka because he used to teach my uni friend some accounting subject! Talk about a small world... I found out that another girl at the table knows my ex-boyfriend, and I've even visited one of the girl's house before!! Not to mention that word gets around really fast, I recently got to know this guy and was asked at the dinner table whether anything was going on between us.. I didn't even tell anyone I knew this guy.. how did they find out? Turned out that we have some common friends..

If you think about it, it's really scary how small this world is, isn't it? I mean, it's big, yet really small.. or maybe I just have a very small circle of friends..? Well, I've got another example to share. Few years back, I went for an interview and got to know one of the candidates. While we were waiting for our transport at the end of the interview, we chatted. I asked where he studied in UK, he mentioned a familiar uni name in UK, I asked if he knew this certain friend of mine. I got a shock of my life when he replied he knew this friend and... "if I am not mistaken, you are so and so's ex girlfriend right?" I mean, would you expect someone you don't know to know such facts of your life? It really dawned upon me that this is indeed a very small world afterall..

If you have not found any connection between you and someone you have just met, maybe it's because you have not searched hard enough for the link. I now believe that we are all connected, one way or another.. what do you think?

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