I feel terrible that we got Evonne's dates all screwed up... and she doesn't get to wear her best on her photoshoot day in school.
For some reason we thought it is on the 10th, but it is actually today. I don't know what outfit she is wearing to take her photoshoot but I feel really bad and guilty. I am a bad mother.
Not anymore, am not going to leave it to chance, am going to calendar every activity so I will remember. Obviously brain memory is not working well these days, with so many things to think and worry about, and extra things to remember... all only depending on me to remember... brain memory full, need to insert more memory space.

Monday, July 15
Evonne's Photoshoot
Friday, July 12
Getting jittery over the meeting starting in 5 mins... I'm conducting the workshop on CRM...
Wish me luck...
Monday, July 1
Posting on Facebook
Ever get the feeling it is no longer private nor safe to post status updates on facebook anymore?
Increasingly I am feeling that... When I want to complain about work I am wary that my colleagues are there, when I want to post something naughty, my acquaintances are there to read about it. If I want to rant about some colleagues yes colleagues are there. When I want to complain about family members oh boy they are there too... haha.. so it is no longer freedom to post...
Maybe that's why I have refrained from posting for a loong time, and I stick to other safer postings such as food porn and my kids' pic than random ramblings on fb...
Tired. Drained. Unhappy.