Haha.. While blogging about the do good diary, suddenly had this idea of having a feel good diary too. I suppose this is more for myself, to cheer me up, keep me going strong, motivate me when I am down, and lastly just to purely record anything positive, good that came my way during the course of day. Maybe can also act as a reminder to be thankful for what I have?
Anyway. Let's start it off and see what it eventually turns to..
#1 Redeemed a free Grande size Starbucks drink as I have accumulated enough drinks to earn it.
#2 Traffic was smooth to work today 21/02/13, and I got a relatively good parking too.
#3 Received a compliment that my 2 kids are cute and beautiful, just like me, from Kelly Woo :-) 21/02/2013,
#4 Hubby gave me a surprise and came looking for me for lunch today :-) 06/03/2013
#5 Bought mum's birthday present - a GPS for her! 06/03/2013
#6 Dress which I bought for Evonne came in a parcel today! 06/03/2013
#7 Am in a food tasting session today with the bosses, free meal yay!
#8 It's National Breakfast Day! Got my free Egg McMuffin from McD!

Thursday, February 21
Feel GOOD diary 2013
Do GOOD Diary 2013
I have decided to start this diary, to record my good doings for the year. This will incentivize me to more good, and also to reflect in the future of what good deeds were done throughout the year. Feel good factor if yo like... Well, a good deed should not go unrecognized right? Even if it's only recognized by myself.
Well, here we go..
#1 stopped when I have right of way, and allowed a Silver Toyota car to exit from a junction while on the way to work.
Sunday, February 17
I was carrying Marcus down the stairs with a toy trolley because he was crying after waking up, and somehow I fell at the turning point of the stairs while holding onto Marcus. Thankfully Marcus wasn't hurt, but I think his leg might have been bruised slightly because of the awkward way I fell.
Me? Well, I have big bruises on both legs, with skin coming out. I did not realize it But a big piece of my left elbow's skin is also scrapped off so now those injured area are all raw and expose to air and things. The slightest touch tithe wound will cause me to jump... It is just so painful.
My husband, who heard my scream when I fell, came and look and check. Once I told him that I fell down, his reaction was was not careful, next was why was I holding onto Marcus still which is why I fell. From just now until now he did not even ask was it painful, where did I hurt myself, was there any blood? NOTHING! I am not sure whether I am more upset or angry now.
He should manage his time and fold all his prayer stuff when the kids were asleep, not when they are awake and running around. He expects me to go and run after the two while he peacefully folds hs stuff there, right in the living room? It is impossible to control the movements of those two nice they are awake, if he thinks it is possible I'd like to see him do it! It is always like that, he just expect things to be done his way, everything and everyone to follow his time, his rules, his words... And when he says he is busy, you must MAKE SURE nothing disturbs him! So this being the case, and now I have multiple bruises on my hand and legs to remind me, do you really think I Want to have another baby so that I can be even busier than now, and have to run after 3kids? NO WAY man!!!!! You have clearly show your reaction and compassion during such circumstances, and I am not satisfied with it. S the answer is NO!